Buying Art from
Step 1: Click on Inquire or Purchase beneath the Artwork you’re interested in.
Step 2: We will respond to your request, providing additional information and photographs.
Step 3: The Buyer pays for the Artwork (preferred methods of payment are e-transfer or certified cheque/bank draft).
Step 4: We’ll make arrangements for the Buyer to obtain the artwork from the Seller, either in person or by having it shipped (shipping costs are paid for by the Buyer; we’ll provide a shipping quote in advance).
There is no Buyer’s Premium.
Selling Art on
We provide free expert appraisals of W.J. Hopkinson Artworks and sell on consignment.
Our Consignment Fee is 15% on the agreed upon listing price.
To receive an estimate on current market value of your W.J. Hopkinson artwork,
send us an e-mail with the following details:
- Dimensions of Artwork with and without Frame
- Medium of Work (Oil, Watercolour, Drawing)
- Date of Artwork
- Condition of Artwork
- Information on any gallery or exhibition labels
- Please include a high-quality photograph of Artwork, its back, and a closeup of signature
Contact us at:
Note: We do not provide appraisals for insurance purposes.
Showcasing Your W.J. Hopkinson Art
We invite you to showcase your W.J. Hopkinson Artwork on our website.
Please submit a photo and details (size, medium, title and date, if known).
Showcasing your artwork on our website will help grow appreciation for W.J. Hopkinson.
There is no fee for this service.
Submit photo & information to: